Utis Can Be Found With the Help of Test Strips


Urinary tract diseases are very painful and can ruin your day. But if you’ve never had one before, you might not know what the problem is. Cystitis can be very painful. If you don’t treat cystitis, it could turn into a bladder infection. Bladder diseases can be very bad and cause a lot of pain in the lower back. So, every UTI should be checked out by a doctor.

A lot of people think that women are the only ones who can get UTIs, but that’s not true. Urinary tract infections can happen to anyone, but women are much more likely to get them than men. You can protect yourself from UTIs with Utiva Health.

Signs of a UTI

If you have a UTI, you might feel a number of different things. They happen when germs get into the bladder. The body may not be able to fight off the illness when the bacteria increase, which leads to the UTI.

People who have never had a UTI or cystitis before should be aware of these signs that they may be getting one.

When someone has a UTI, they might feel some of the following:

  • A lot of peeing. People with a UTI may feel like they need to go to the bathroom right after they empty their bladder, which can lead to a lot of trips.
  • Having a burning feeling when you urinate. The pain could be mild or very painful, depending on how bad the infection is. It hurts more when you have to go to the bathroom and feels better when you’re done. That being said, you may still feel like you need to go to the bathroom.
  • If your pee is cloudy, very bright yellow, or has blood in it, it could mean that bacteria are in your urinary system.
  • People who have a UTI might notice that their pee smells very bad.
  • If you have pain in your pelvis, you might have a UTI; people with kidney infections generally feel pain in their back.
  • People who have UTIs sometimes find that they have a low-grade fever. Making an appointment with the doctor right away is important if your temperature is high.

You might not have any of the above signs but still have a UTI. You should see your doctor right away because antibiotics are the best way to get rid of a UTI. You could get something worse, like a very painful kidney infection, if you don’t take care of this right away.

A lot of the time, older adults have extra signs that younger people don’t have. These signs and symptoms are:

  • Getting confused and having memory gaps
  • Getting restless
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness

How to Keep From Getting a UTI

People who have had a UTI don’t want to get one again. Here are some things you can do to lower your risk of getting a UTI:

  • Every day, make sure you drink water. Water will flush out your system and help keep the bacteria in your urinary system in check. You shouldn’t drink coffee or other drinks instead of water.
  • Not keeping your pee in. When you need to go, make sure you find a bathroom right away.
  • If you go to the bathroom after having sex, it helps your body get rid of any germs that may have gotten into your urinary system.
  • Stay away from feminine care items like sprays, powders, and douches. These items can mess up the body’s normal germs, which can lead to UTIs and cystitis.
  • Women who use diaphragms and condoms that are moistened may be more likely to get a UTI. There are different types of birth control you can try if you keep getting UTIs.
  • If you don’t want to get germs in your urethra, take a shower instead of a bath.
  • Put on cotton underwear that doesn’t squeeze you.
  • Soaps and bath washes with scents can make you more likely to get a UTI.
  • You should drink a lot of water before, after, and while you work out.
  • Women who are pregnant often get UTIs. This is because of changes in hormones, which can make germs grow.
  • UTIs can happen a lot if the urinary stream gets clogged.
  • People with weak immune systems are more likely to get UTIs. This includes people with HIV, AIDS, and other immune system-slowing diseases.
  • People who have had a catheter may get UTIs.
  • Medicines and supplements Get help with UTIs

There are people who get UTIs all the time, and a lot of them end up going to the doctor a lot. If you have a lot of UTIs, you might want to look into UTI medication. There are a lot of companies that sell test strips that can tell you if germs are in your pee.

It’s easy to use these test strips, and you can do them in the comfort of your own house. The UTI test strips are the same ones that doctors and clinics use to see if there are white blood cells or E. coli in the urine.

A lot of people take vitamins with cranberry extract, which naturally stops this type of germs from growing, to keep it from happening.

Men Can Also Get UTIs

Men and women can both get UTIs, despite what most people think. However, women are much more likely to get them because of the way our bodies are built.

When someone has a UTI, the signs are the same for both men and women. Here are some of the most common signs:

  • The feeling that you have to go to the bathroom all the time. You can’t get rid of this feeling even after going to the bathroom.
  • Pain that feels like burning in the lower belly or hips and when you urinate.
  • Urine that is cloudy, bright yellow, or red
  • Urine that smells bad
  • Feeling sick

Men who get UTIs often should talk to their doctors about what’s causing them and how to stop it. Some things that can lead to UTIs in men are:

Sexual behavior that isn’t protected, especially with more than one person.

Men who have big prostates that can make it hard to pee.

People whose immune systems aren’t strong enough, like those with HIV or AIDS.

Urinary tract infections are painful and can get in the way of daily life, so no one wants to have them. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you think you might have cystitis. You can also make it a daily habit to take vitamins that lower your chance and drink a lot of water.

Utiva Health offers vitamins, test strips, and other things that can help people who get UTIs often. They help you take action right away!
